Practice Policies


blue_folder_lockWe ask for your personal information so that you can receive the appropriate care and treatment. This information is recorded on computer and we are registered under the Data Protection Act 1998. The practice will ensure that patient confidentiality is maintained at all times by all members of the practise team. However, for the effective functioning if a multi-disciplinary team sometimes it is necessary that medical information about you is shared between members of the team.

Access To Medical Records

Under the Data Protection Act 1998 patients may apply for access to their medical records. If you wish to access your medical records please telephone the surgery for further guidance.

Freedom of Information

The Freedom of Information Act 2000 obliges the practice to produce a publication scheme. A publication scheme is a guide to the classes of information the practice intends to routinely make available. The scheme is available from the practice manager.

Violent or Abusive Patients

Patients will be treated with patience and respect regardless of their ethnic or cultural beliefs. The practice would request that the same respect be shown to all members of the practice team, especially the receptionists who are doing a very demanding job.

The practice has a zero tolerance policy with regard to violent or abusive patients. Any patient demonstrating violence, abuse or any other inappropriate behaviour to members of the practice team or other patients will be removed from the practice list without delay.


If you feel the need to make a complaint please have a look at our complaints procedure document for details on how to proceed.

New Patient Registration

Read our New Patient Registration Policy.

Consent to Treat

Please see the attached policy for how we obtain consent before treating someone. Consent to treat policy.

Dealing with inaccuracies in medical records
Patients have the right, under the Data Protection Act (DPA), to ask for factual inaccuracies in the record to be rectified or deleted. The Act does not, give Patients the right to ask for entries expressing professional opinions to be changed. 
Please email with any requests for consideration

How to request a subject access request

Please complete this Subject Access Request Form to obtain a copy of the medical records held by your GP surgery. These requests can take up to 30 days to process.

Once completed, our administration team will be in touch with you to confirm your request has been processed and is ready for collection. Please do not attend the surgery to enquire about these records until you have been contacted. 

We require proof of your identity before we can disclose and share out this personal data. Confirming identification is important as it helps to stop organisations from inadvertently disclosing personal data, either accidentally or as the result of deliberate fraudulent action by a third party. If the SAR has been submitted by a third party or agent on behalf of an individual, there should be evidence that the individual has consented to this.

This should include copies of two documents such as:

  • your birth certificate
  • your passport
  • your driving licence
  • an official letter addressed to you at your address (e.g. bank statement, recent utility bill or council tax bill)

The documents should include your name, date of birth and current address. If you have changed your name please supply relevant documents evidencing the change.

We require one form of documentation to confirm name and a separate form of documentation to confirm address. Please note that proof of address must be dated within the last 3 months. 

Contacting a Patient by mobile phone
GDPR does not require explicit consent for use of mobiles for direct care purposes, which includes appointment reminders.
National Data Opt out 
The national data opt-out allows a patient to choose if they do not want their confidential patient information to be used for purposes beyond their individual care and treatment - for research and planning. Patients, or people acting for them by proxy, have control over setting or changing their own opt-out choice, and can change their mind at any time
When a patient sets an opt-out choice, it is recorded against their NHS number on the Spine. It will remain unless the patient changes their mind, even after they have died.
Refer to the National data-opt-out operational policy guidance document for complete policy guidance.
Please email to register your opt out choice

EMAIL and Text Message – Communications Policy 2023


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